Wireless, Passive, Self-Stabilizing Drone

This report details the attempt at developing a passively controlled, wirelessly powered, and self stabilizing quadcopter system. We transfer power using a class E amplifier circuit, allowing the quadcopter to...

Smart Roller for Automatic Fiber Placement

Working with the amazing team at UBC Molecular Mechatronics lab, we developed a soft capacitive sensor array that can be wrapped on a smart roller for automatic fiber placement machines....

Raman Spectroscopy on Graphene

A brief discussion on the crystal structure of graphene and principles of Raman spectroscopy, followed by a literature review on recent experimental results exploring the Raman spectra of twisted bilayer...

Holographic Algorithms for Variational Time Evolution

Presentation slides for my undergraduate thesis defense. In this talk, I discuss the motivation, theory, algorithm, and preliminary results on developing holographic algorithms for variational time evolution simulation. Many concepts...

Michelson Interferometer

Presentation given to a high school audience about Michelson interferometers. Discussion and problems includes basic concepts in waves, interference, interferometer geometry, and its experimental significance leading to the discovery of...

Flexible Tactile Sensors Video

Video summarizing the flexible tactile sensors developed at the UBC Molecular Mechatronics Lab. Using capacitive sensing principles and different geometries, these sensors can measure pressure, shear, and proximity. They can...

Electronic Polarons and Bipolarons in Iron Based Superconductors

Public talk given at UBC Quantum Matter Institute discussing my summer research in condensed matter theory, supervised by professor Mona Berciu. I discuss the model of polaron and bipolarons, prove...

Engineering Physics Courses Review

Some of my PERSONAL opinions on courses I have taken at UBC. Most of the courses are part of my undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics.

Drone Regulations

A brief discussion and literature review on the role of drones in society, their benefits and harms, and how drone regulations play a role in society.