Developed a robot with a three axis gantry and mechanism to pick up objects.
Autonomous Robot Simulation
Using ROS and openCV environment, my partner Sean L. and I simulated a robot capable of driving, detecting pedestrians, and reading license plates with machine learning.
Maintained the AutoHeadFix device, an apparatus with modular mice brain imaging experiment capabilities, for UBC Brain Circuits group. I helped design mechanical and software components for laser alignment.
Designed the ground communications mechanical structure as part of the UBC UAS design team. This station transmits FPS video to the drone pilot and points the yagi sensor to follow the drone. The system is light weight, modular, and expandable.
Developed and optimized a recording and datalogging module to track mouse movement. The optimization was achieved by adjustable mounting of RFIDs and multithreading in softwarefor faster datalogging.
I was a technical judge and referee at VEX robotics tournaments. I also mentored VEX teams and helped at programming workshops, teaching over 200 students C/C++.
One of my most proud VEX robots. For the 2018 season In the Zone, our robot were able to stack up to 13 cones and score mobile goals in different zones. The Youtube video showcases one of the best matches of our team.